These tips will make you rethink how to take photos with your smartphone

Photo hacks for your next event

We introduced a few photo-hacks and tips on social media that we shared with our fans over several weeks. Here is a recap.

We introduced a few photo-hacks and tips on social media that we shared with our fans over several weeks. Here is a recap.

Our first #photohack is all about symmetry, repeating patterns and reflections. Find them, capture them, spread them.

Some inspiration can be found on Instagram with Symmetrical Monsters being one of our favourites.


“If your photographs aren’t good enough, you’re not close enough.” Robert Capa Hungarian war photographer and photo journalist

If you want to capture the small details of an object you need to get closer to your subject – but never zoom. Rather tap whatever part of the screen is your main subject to focus. Fill out the photo to achieve the best results.

Some of our inspiration for close-ups:

The Rule of Thirds! Your pics should be about composition, and your subject should not necessarily be in the middle. By cutting the frame into thirds and using horizontal and vertical lines you place your point of interest over the cross sections of the grid to achieve the best results.

Once you master this rule, you can always go ahead and break it.

Take plentiful shots of the same subject.  To create emotion, its best to try different angles, as well as lighting. Get down and crouch, bend, lie, rotate and get clicking away.

Avoid those poorly lit, blurry photos by trashing the flash. There is nothing worse than a harsh unflattering photos of your poor subject matter, so rather find an interesting light source to jazz up your pics.

Launch the Camera app. Tap and hold until the little sun appears. You’ll now see a slider that allows you to adjust the exposure (up and down). So, to take pics at night, use a higher ISO for a brighter image. ISO features now come with most smartphones. Just remember the higher the ISO, the more pixelated your photo can become.

Life is filled with patterns. Patterns create images that add a new dimension to your photos. Look for patterns within patterns and get closer to find the detail.

Beautiful pattern photography:

Use light to your advantage. See how and where the light is coming from, whether it be a lamp or natural light from the sun. Shadows and highlighted areas are the things that will make your photo unexpected. Always remember to not shoot a pic with the sun directly behind the subject matter.


Now here is a cool trick. Try to “bounce” the light off your subject matter. Simple tricks like placing a white towel in front of subjects, or placing some white paper can create this effect. You are basically replicating what professionals do when they use a white screen.

Now once you mastered some of the simple rules, try breaking some. It’s time to experiment and have fun with your photoshoots. Always remember to take many pics, the more you take, the better the chance of getting that one great shot.

Breaking the rules. A shortlist of our favorites:

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